Students connected to cheating scandal will be denied admisson

A nationwide scandal of college admissions cheating has become exposed, people involved in this cheating scandal are Hollywood Stars, top industry CEOs, standardized test administrators, and college coaches. This scandal has been described by federal prosecutors as a corrupt exchange of wealth, fame, and influence in exchange for student admissions to the nation’s most elite universities.

This story is significant because it exposes the courpt college admissions process which indiviuals with wealth and influence are capable of infringing and how it decreases the chances of actual hardworking scholars of being accepting into colleges they apply to. Indiana State University students should want to follow this story because its possible this scandal could even be happening here at ISU. It will impact ISU students because they might know some of the college athletes involved in this scandal.

A question readers may have is which colleges are involved in the college admissions cheating scandal. This story is free from opinion and bias, the sources were from the University of Southern California, and U.S. attorneys. Yes, the quotations add information to the story.

Hospital ‘robot’ gives patient end-of-life news

A California hospital provided end-of-life news to Ernest Quintana, 78-year-old patient via a robotoic machine this week.

The significance of this story is the hospital choosing to communicate grave life information about Ernest Quintanas health through the use of a robot with wireless video chat technology, some patients may not find it ethical or respectful. Indiana State University readers should want to follow this story because it shows how technology is continously evolving in all work fields including the medical field. It will impact them because there will be more innovative technology to utilize and learn how to operate.

A question readers might have is how often does the hospital choose to use robots to communicate with patients instead of face-to-face communication? Yes, the story is free from opinon and bias. Yes, there are a variety of sources they include the patients family and hosiptal officials. They have both a good amount of sources and quotations.

Indiana Teenager charged with murder in disapperance ​of two others.

Molley Lanham, 19, and Thomas Grill Jr., 18, went missing on Feb. 25, 2019.

A 17-year-old boy in Indiana by the name of Connor Kerner, was arrested and charged as an adult with two counts of murder in connection with the disappearance of two other Indiana teenagers. On Feb. 25, both Molly Lanham, 19, and Thomas Grill, 18, were reported missing by their families. One witness stated he was at Kerner’s house when he said he had “done something really bad” and said he killed Lanham and Grill. The unidentified witness said he was told by Kerner that Grill came by Kerners grandmothers house for a drug deal in the garage, allegedly Grill attempted to rob Kerner so he shot Grill and then “beat him with a pipe wrench until he died” in the garage. After killing Grill, he made Lanham come into the garage and shot her in the head.

The significance of this story is to always be careful of the people you associate with and let others know where you are for your own safety. Indiana State University readers should want to follow this story because these individuals involved are relatively our age and from our state too. It might impact ISU readers because individuals on campus may be from the Hanover location or Hanover High School grads.

Unanswered questions the reader might have is what was the location of this double homicide? This story is free from opinion and bias, there are a variety of sources such as the witness statements and Porter County Sheriff’s Office. They should’ve interviewed the friends and family of the individuals involved in the story.

New Interns for Trump White House are forced to Sign NDAs and Threatened Them With Financial Ruin

The Trump White House recently welcomed its newest group of interns, when the interns arrived for orientation they were required to sign their very own non-disclosure agreements just as many other White House officials have been forced to by the Trump administration. The interns were warned by the director of the internship program, Zoe Jackman, against being “leakers”. Any breach of the NDA such as discussing inside White House problems to the media would result in legal and financial consequences for the interns, the interns were told they would not receive their own copies of the NDA they signed.

This story is significant because interns should not feel threatened by their employer but instead focused on gaining as much knowledge and experience as possible. ISU readers should want to follow this story because college students searching for internships may experience the same NDA requirements. It’s possible that Trump could enforce this rule for every internship in the United States so it can impact college students legally.

The reader might wonder if any interns have broken their NDA or attempted fighting against the NDA and Trump’s in-house lawyers. Yes, the story is free from opinion and bias. This story included a good amount of sources that are currently White House employees or individuals who served under the Obama administration.

Workplace shooting in Aurora, Illinois has a tota​​​l of 5 victims

 Police in Illinois respond to calls of an active shooter in Aurora.
(Megan Jones/Beacon News/TNS via Newscom)  Police in Illinois respond to calls of an active shooter in Aurora.

On Friday afternoon in Aurora, Illinois Gary Martin, 45, began shooting in the Henry Pratt Company after being told he was being fired from the job that he worked for 15 years. Martin was killed by responding police officers at the scene, before that five victims were killed and five police officers were injured by gunfire.

The significance of this story is that you must always be careful and aware of others emotions and actions while in public even in the workplace because this shooting happened at an industrial warehouse. ISU readers should want to follow this story to find out how it all happened to avoid any dangers that could possibly happen to them. It might impact them because the gunman legally should not have been in possession of a gun.

A question the reader might have is why was the gunman fired from his job after working there for 15 years? This story is free from opinion and bias, there are a variety of sources some of which are the Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman and eyewitnesses who escaped the building during the shooting. This story had a good number of sources and quotations to add information to the story.

Instagram plans to enhance sentivity s​creens for self-harm images due to rising teen suicides

Instagram has announced changes for their app that will extend globally, including more “sensitivity screens” to hide posted content that shows self-harm. This change will help keep people away from photos of self-harm that could potentially change their behavior. Parents of a British teenager who committed suicide in 2017 by the name of Molly Russell partly blame Instagram, they say their daughter had viewed graphic images of self-harm and suicide on the Instagram photo-sharing app.

The significance of this story is that we all use the popular photo-sharing app Instagram so it’s important to take precaution before viewing every photo or video on Instagram and the internet. ISU readers should want to follow this story because it’s a social app that has much influence, even our university has an Instagram account. This could impact them because just like Molly Russell graphic content could either have a positive or negative effect on our behavior.

Questions the reader might have is how will Instagram figure out how to find graphic content to include sensitivity screens. This story was free from opinion and bias. Yes, the story includes a variety of sources such as the British Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Dr. John Cullen, a family physician in Valdez, Alaska. their quotations add information and further the story.

US cold temperatures raise death toll to 13

The Northeast and Midwest are experiencing immense deep freezing temperatures. This week many states have been plunging to minus temperatures with cold wind chills. Thirteen people have recently died due to the dangerously cold weather.

The significance of this story is to be very prepared and bundled with warm clothing because this deep freeze weather is capable of killing you. ISU readers should want to follow this story because as students we are always walking to our classes on campus and it only takes 15 minutes to get frostbite in these wind chills. This may impact ISU readers because a student at the University of Iowa Gerald Blez, who was studying medicine, died Wednesday his death is believed to be weather-related.

The reader might ask how these individuals died from the cold weather in order to prepare and prevent it from happening to them. Yes, the story is free form opinion or bias. The sources provided are mostly for the weather forecast in order to notify readers of approaching temperatures. Yes, more sources should have been interviewed like citizens currently experiencing the weather or officials to give insight on the freezing temperatures.

Woman resuced​ from elevator after being trapped for 3 days!

(STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images) 

A 53-year old woman, a cleaning employee from Queens, New York was trapped in an elevator in a private Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan. The elevator became stuck between the second and third floors on Friday, the woman was unable to call for help due to not have her cell phone with her. She was at the home alone during the whole weekend until the apartment owner Warren Stephens, an investment banker, arrived Monday morning and called the authorities for help. Firefighters forced open the door and took the woman to the hospital.

The significance of this story is the woman was trapped in the elevator because the apartment owner had “failed to provide access to inspectors” according to a spokesperson for the New York City’s Department of Buildings. ISU readers should want to follow this story because its possible for this same situation to happen to any student, facility member, or visitor on campus. It might impact ISU readers to be more cautious about using elevators instead of using the stairs.

Unanswered questions the reader might have is, did the woman trapped in the elevator experience any medical problems like dehydration, starvation, asthma attacks? Also did her family file any missing person’s police report during the 72+ hours she was missing? This story is free of opinion or bias and only focuses on reporting the Manhattan incident. There aren’t a variety of sources in this story, more sources should have been interviewed like neighbors, the woman’s family, and firefighters.

Two University of Oklahoma students withdraw after backlash from blackface video posted online

Two students at the University of Oklahoma had recently posted a racist blackface video to social media, in the video a young caucasian woman is being recorded painting her face black while laughing and saying racist slurs, while the other student filmed her. OU President James Gallogly stated the students were not expelled and that the recording was made off-campus. Gallogly declined to identify the two students, but did state they were both sophomores.

This story is important because it shows racism still exist everywhere but it should never make an individual or student go beyond a point of discrimination. The things we say and post online will never go away once it’s on the internet it will always be on there, so as college students in a widely diversified community we must be open to integration and not bigotry. Indiana State University students should follow this story to see how different colleges handle racist incidents. This impacts ISU students because several similar racial incidents have already occurred in the ISU campus dorms this year.

This story has provided many opinions from the University of Oklahoma community about this racial incident. Because the story has a variety of sources it gives us more depth about the students involved with the blackface video and how the community is effected by it. These additional sources revealed one of the students involved with the video were now a former member of the Tri Delta sorority, and that back in 2015 the University of Oklahoma shut down its Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity after fraternity members were caught on video chanting the n-word and slurs about lynching.

Controversial artwork will be removed from Ground Zero

In New York an art sculpture of a large green wrapped piece of candy with the flags of the G20 nations is being removed from the 9/11 site. Due to its proximity to Ground Zero many have complained that the sculpture was to insensitive to the terror attack. Because 15 of the 19 plane hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi Nationals many people felt having a representation of the nation was disrespectful to Ground Zero and the loved ones lost.

The significance of this story is that its always important to respect grave sites and the wishes of those offended. The French artist Laurence Jenkell had no intentions of offending the Ground Zero site or the families of the victims but only wanted to “celebrate mankind” with the art work she created back in 2011. This same problem could happen to any other artist thats why its important to choose a correct location and time, due to people getting offended and sensitive.

For this story I would have liked to seen interviews of New Yorkers for their own opinions of the art work to find out how many did or didn’t feel offended by this art sculpture. The quotations doesn’t further the story because it doesn’t include the opinions of those offended by the art work and location it was placed.