Hospital ‘robot’ gives patient end-of-life news

A California hospital provided end-of-life news to Ernest Quintana, 78-year-old patient via a robotoic machine this week.

The significance of this story is the hospital choosing to communicate grave life information about Ernest Quintanas health through the use of a robot with wireless video chat technology, some patients may not find it ethical or respectful. Indiana State University readers should want to follow this story because it shows how technology is continously evolving in all work fields including the medical field. It will impact them because there will be more innovative technology to utilize and learn how to operate.

A question readers might have is how often does the hospital choose to use robots to communicate with patients instead of face-to-face communication? Yes, the story is free from opinon and bias. Yes, there are a variety of sources they include the patients family and hosiptal officials. They have both a good amount of sources and quotations.

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